A Healthy Lifestyle is Good for Your Finances
Healthy people are generally happier and take a more active role in their finances. Individuals who strive to maintain their health have similar traits to those who work to improve their finances.
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Healthy people are generally happier and take a more active role in their finances. Individuals who strive to maintain their health have similar traits to those who work to improve their finances.
Rather than improving your decision-making process, too much information makes it harder to make logical and rational investment decisions.
Taxes on long term capital gains and qualified dividends are progressive - a higher tax rate is imposed on those with a higher income.
Set Financial Goals – Establish long term goals and action plans to guide your spending, saving and investing decisions.
FDIC deposit insurance covers checking, savings, money market and Negotiable Order of Withdrawal (NOW) accounts as well as CD’s, cashier’s checks and money orders.
A portfolio that is well aligned with your risk profile helps you avoid emotional reactions to sudden changes in the market. Too much risk causes stress and worry that often results in the sale of stock mutual funds when they are down. The goal is to set an asset allocation that takes enough risk to meet your long-term goals, while giving you peace of mind to stay the course during rough market conditions.