Most Investment Portfolios Should Include International Stock
International stock is selling at bargain prices, provides broader opportunities and reduces risk through greater diversification but it is also more volatile.
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International stock is selling at bargain prices, provides broader opportunities and reduces risk through greater diversification but it is also more volatile.
In most situations, your portfolio should be divided into three buckets - cash, fixed income, and stock. Stock includes individual stock, stock mutual funds and stock ETFs.
A significant drop in the market also provides the opportunity to gradually buy stock at a tremendous discount.
When you buy gold, you are betting on the value that someone will pay for it in the future.
Rather than focus on outside forces that cannot be controlled, focus on what you can personally do to protect your money and gain more flexibility.
A stock market correction is a drop of 10% to 20% in a major market index such as the S&P 500. A serious market crash is a drop of 20% or more. A prolonged market crash is considered a bear market.