Tips to Ride Out a Rough Market
Your asset allocation needs to be aggressive enough to meet your goals but safe enough to avoid anxiety during market fluctuations.
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Your asset allocation needs to be aggressive enough to meet your goals but safe enough to avoid anxiety during market fluctuations.
Make the time to understand and analyze your current situation to uncover opportunities to help you reach your financial goals.
Growth stocks offer the promise of faster price appreciation, but they are riskier than value stocks.
It is essential to recognize your money beliefs to take control of your finances and prevent a negative money mindset from sabotaging your financial future.
Investing in bonds comes with two primary types of risk. The first is credit risk which represents the loss of capital if the issuing company or entity defaults on paying interest due on the bond. The second is interest rate risk which occurs when interest rates increase.
When you pull out of the market, often due to fear, you miss the gains when the market rebounds.