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Traits of Financially Secure People

By Jane Young

Many studies and surveys have been done to determine the personality traits and habits of people who are wealthy or financially secure.  Below are some of the most prevalent behavioral traits of those who are in control of their finances and are on track to reach their financial goals.

Conscientiousness – Conscientious people tend to be dependable, motivated, self-disciplined, responsive, organized and goal oriented.  They are thorough, persevering and meet their commitments. A conscientious person will be more effective in their career, will have stronger relationships and will have more control over their finances.

Emotional Stability – They can effectively manage negative feelings.  They are unlikely to be overtaken by fear and react impulsively to adverse situations.  Their ability to calmly react to a crisis or emergency in their job, personal or financial life leads to greater financial stability and happiness.  Emotional stability results in better relationships with colleagues, friends and family.

Positive Money Mindset – People with a positive attitude about money, view money with a sense of abundance rather than scarcity.  Their ability to earn or accumulate money does not impact the ability of others to succeed.  If someone else makes money it doesn’t impact how much they can earn. There is plenty of money to go around and they trust their own ability to make money.  They are not jealous or envious of the success of others.  They are happy and encouraging when friends succeed.   They are also more likely to be generous and charitable.

Internal Locus of Control – This is a psychological term that implies you can control your life and how you react to difficult circumstances - life is not controlled by external forces.   A person with an internal locus of control takes personal responsibility and is less influenced by the actions of others.  When in control they are proactive and less likely to blame other people or institutions for challenges that arise.  When confronted with a problem, they feel empowered to act rather than feeling powerless and out of control.  There is a sense of optimism, confidence and self-esteem.   They are happier, take responsibility for their own success, and are more effective in all areas of their life.

Life-Long Learning – Successful people are always reading and learning to advance in their careers, improve their financial knowledge and broaden their perspective.  Wealthy people are avid readers and more likely to read self-improvement, educational or success-oriented books than novels, tabloids or magazines.  They are eager to learn, grow and change.  Most wealthy people read at least thirty minutes a day and three books a month.

Future Orientation - They plan, save and invest for the future.  They are willing to sacrifice small gains in the short-term for a much greater return in the future.  They stay focused on the long-term and don’t allow temporary disruptions to lead them off track toward their future goals.